Download and replace the file OR change these values:
		"enabled"	"1"
		"visible"	"1"
		"labeltext"	"-"

Download and replace the file OR change these values:
	"hud_crosshair_1"	"255 255 255 0"
	"hud_crosshair_1_flash"	"255 255 255 255"

Download and replace the file OR change these values:
	event DamagedPlayer
		StopEvent	HitMarker	0.00
		RunEvent	HitMarker	0.00
		RunEvent	ScopeRemoval	0.00
and put this at the bottom:
	// Disable sniper scope
	event ScopeRemoval
		Animate HudScope Position    "9999 9999" Linear 0.0 0.0
		Animate HudScope Position    "9999 9999" Linear 0.0 100.0
		RunEvent ScopeRemovalLoop 0.1
	event ScopeRemovalLoop
		RunEvent ScopeRemoval 0.1